These names, and some variations, were used by the Algonquin tribes.
Europeans named the June moon, Full Rose Moon.
Living Above the Frost Line is a dwelling place for practicing poets. It is the home of poet, Nancy Simpson. Above the Frost Line we give ourselves some extra growing time. Yes, we know the hard freeze will come, but until it arrives, we shall grow and share our poems.
These names, and some variations, were used by the Algonquin tribes.
Europeans named the June moon, Full Rose Moon.
Harnessing the Power of Words will be taught at John C. Campbell Folk School August 15 - 21. 2010.
Instructor: Jayne Jaudon Ferrer
Class Description:
Each of us has something important to say, but just as we speak in different dialects, we write in different genres. Find your writing niche as we explore the power and appeal of poetry, fiction, nonfiction, memoir, journals, letter and blogs. This class will help you find the format best suited to your voice through creative writing prompts, supportive sharing, and gentle critiques. From business people to retires, novelists to blogger...all are welcome.
TUITION IS $527.00. Ask about 1/2 price if you live in the area.
Pre register at John C Campbell Folk School 1 800 FOLK - SCH.
Hello Fellow NCWN West Members and Friends. As editor of NCWN West’s forthcoming anthology, I am happy to announce we have made progress and found our way to publish the anthology titled Echoes Across the Blue Ridge: Stories, Essays and Poems by Writers Living in and Inspired by the Southern Appalachian Mountains. In fact, the book is at the printer now and is due to be released in coming days.
An Introduction to Echoes Across the Blue Ridge was written for us by Robert Morgan. Other North Carolina authors who endorsed the collection include Lee Smith who said, “Straight from the land of sky. song and story, another dynamic collection--strong and surprising,”
Ron Rash who said, “Anyone who enjoys Appalachian Literature will be delighted by this excellent anthology, particularly because it introduces the reader to a number of our region’s gifted though lesser-known writers. Bravo!”
These anthology authors, who live within the Netwest area, were invited to contribute their work and they did so with generosity: Our Program Coordinator Kathryn Stripling Byer, Thomas Rain Crowe, Steven Harvey and Bettie M. Sellers.
The anthology is dedicated to the memory of our Appalachian ballad poet Byron Herbert Reece.
Check the list below of other contributors who have work forthcoming in Echoes Across the Blue Ridge:
Ellen Andrews
Richard Argo
Glenda Barrett
Glenda Beall
Jo Carolyn Beebe
Janet Benway
Joan Thiel Blessing
Rachel T. Bronnum
John T. Campbell
Gary Carden
Nancy Sales Cash
James M. Cox
Paul Donovan
Robert Edward Fahey
Jayne Jaudon Ferrer
Debora Kinsland Foerst
Joyce Foster
Karen Gilfillan
Gerri Wolfe Grady
Lana Hendershott
Eugene Hirsch
Sam Hoffer
Karen Paul Holmes
Tom Hooker
Kitty Inman
Carl Iobst
George Ivey
Mary Michelle Brodine Keller
Eileen Lampe
Blanche Ledford
Brenda Kay Ledford
Susan Lefler
StarShield Lortie
John Malone
Gail Maye
Marshall McClung
Jennifer McGaha
Mary Lou McKillip
Dick Michener
Maren O. Mitchell
Janice Townley Moore
Clarence Lee Newton
Arnie Nielson
Nancy Purcell
Betty Jameron Reed
William V. Reynolds
Estelle Rice
Mary Ricketson
Judy Roney
Rosemary Royston
Peg Russell
Linda M. Smith
Susan Snowden
Dorothea Spiegel
Wendy Richard Tanner
Carole Richard Thompson
Shirley Uphouse
J.C. Walkup
Cecily Hamlin Wells
Eleanor Lambert Wilson
Charlotte Wolf
Jane J. Young
Congratulations to Katja Holmes for formatting, book and cover design.
Congratulations to Philip L. Sampson whose photograph was chosen for the cover. Congratulations to other photographers who had one or more photos included in the book: Tipper Pressley, Seth Russell, and Billy J. Turnage.
The book release date WILL COME SOON. STAY POSTED.