Living Above the Frost Line is a dwelling place for practicing poets. Up here, we give ourselves some extra growing time. As said before, we know the hard freeze will come, but until it arrives we shall grow and share our poems. Flowers bloom here until the killing freeze.
September is a hardy month. Flowers are blooming across the ridge. Insects are active. Bees swarm everywhere, in fact, I have to watch that I don't cross their bee line. Butterflies thrive in a butterfuly bush heaven.
Autumn Joy
Aster with bees
My favorite pathway with Knock Out Roses, Crepe Myrtle, Cleome, False Sunflowers and Japanese Lanterns.
As to the poetry here above the frost line, rumor has it that the poems will bloom this year, perhaps even beyond the hard freeze. Impossible, I know. It's a rumor.
Buddelia devidii White Profusion Butterfly Bush