CHAPBOOK Slipstream Press Poetry Chapbook Competition. Prize of $1000.00 and 50 author copies. Editors will judge. Send up to 40 pages and a $20.00 entry fee by Dec. 1, 2012. Mail to PO Box 2071, Niagra. Falls, NY 14301. details
Living Above the Frost Line is a dwelling place for practicing poets. It is the home of poet, Nancy Simpson. Above the Frost Line we give ourselves some extra growing time. Yes, we know the hard freeze will come, but until it arrives, we shall grow and share our poems.
About Me
- Nancy Simpson
- Nancy Simpson's LIVING ABOVE THE FROST LINE, New and Selected Poems was published by Carolina Wren Press (N.C. Laureate Series, 2010.) She is the author of ACROSS WATER and NIGHT STUDENT, State Street Press, still available on WWW at Alibris and Books Again. Her poems have been published in Southern Poetry Review, Prairie Schooner, The Georgia Review and other literary magazines. "Carolina Bluebirds" was published in THE POETS GUIDE TO THE BIRDS, Anhinga Press). "Grass" was reprinted in the 50th Anniversary Issue of Southern Poetry Review: DON'T LEAVE HUNGRY ( U.of Arkansas Press.) Seven poems were reprinted in the textbook, SOUTHERN APPALACHIAN POETRY,(McFarland.) Two poems were published in SOLO CAFE, Two more poems were published in SOLO NOVO."In the Nantahala Gorge" was published in Pisgah Review. "Studying Winter" was reprinted in Pirene's Fountain Anthology and "The Collection" in Collecting Life Anthology. Most recently, Southern Poetry Review Edited by James Smith, published "Our Great Depression," and The Southern Poetry Anthology Vol. VII: NORTH CAROLINA,Edited by William Wright, reprinted "Leaving in the Dead of Winter."
Saturday, November 17, 2012
CHAPBOOK Slipstream Press Poetry Chapbook Competition. Prize of $1000.00 and 50 author copies. Editors will judge. Send up to 40 pages and a $20.00 entry fee by Dec. 1, 2012. Mail to PO Box 2071, Niagra. Falls, NY 14301. details
Tuesday, November 13, 2012

I, Glenda Beall, will be sharing some of my poems and short prose atCoffee with the Poets on Wednesday this week, Nov 14, 10:30 a.m. - Café Touche on Main Street in Hayesville NC.
We are so sorry the other Glenda is ill and we will miss her, of course.
Some info about me, in case you didn't know:
Glenda Beall lives in Hayesville, North Carolina where she teaches writing for adults, and she directs Writers Circle, a learning center for writers of all genres. Finishing Line Press published her chapbook,Now Might as Well Be Then in 2009. Her poem, Tomato Man, won first place in the Clay County Poetry contest sponsored by the Clay County Arts and Historical Society. She was a third place winner in the James Still Poetry Contest sponsored by the Appalachian Writers Association, and she has been awarded several honorable mentions in various literary contests. Her writing education began with classes at the John C. Campbell Folk School where she studied with outstanding authors and poets.
Her poetry has appeared in literary journals and literary anthologies for the past fifteen years. Most recently two poems were included inOn Our Own, Widowhood for Smarties, published by Silver Boomer Books.
Beall’s short stories and non-fiction has been most recently published in online journals, Muscadine Lines, a Southern Journal and the Dead Mule School of Southern Literature.
For the past three years, she has taught memoir writing, creative writing and helped others accomplish their writing goals. She mentors students from her classes at Tri-County Community College, from classes at Writers Circle, her home studio, and she teaches private lessons as well.
Glenda Beall has been an active member of NCWN for sixteen years and serves as representative to the North Carolina Writers’ Network West for Clay County.
Monday, November 12, 2012
Recently I read this short essay in the November 2012 issue of FOR WOMEN FIRST. It was written by Megan Price, 32, Baton Rouge.
An Arrow to the Heart
"A few months ago I was looking for treasures in a thrift store when I noticed an elderly man in a WWII hat trying to buy some tattered books. 'Cash only? I'm just visiting, so I'm not sure where a bank is,' he said, flustered. I smiled and handed the cashier a few dollars, 'It's on me. Thank you for your service.' The veteran smiled and said that at age 88, he remembered a time when all he had to carry was a few nickles. I teased that he didn't look older than 29, and he fished out his driver's license as proof. When I saw his name, my heart stopped. 'Are you Donald "Scout" Meadows from the Second Marine Division?' I asked. He nodded, surprised. I'd grown up hearing my grandfather tell stories of his war buddy, Scott. 'Your grandpa saved my life on Saipan,' he said softly, after I told him he'd died recently. Quietly he dug into his wallet and held out a small stone arrowhead. 'He gave this to me for good luck, and I've carried it for nearly 70 years--I think you should have it.' Three dollars has never bought anything so precious." --by Megan Price, 32, Baton Rouge.
An Arrow to the Heart
"A few months ago I was looking for treasures in a thrift store when I noticed an elderly man in a WWII hat trying to buy some tattered books. 'Cash only? I'm just visiting, so I'm not sure where a bank is,' he said, flustered. I smiled and handed the cashier a few dollars, 'It's on me. Thank you for your service.' The veteran smiled and said that at age 88, he remembered a time when all he had to carry was a few nickles. I teased that he didn't look older than 29, and he fished out his driver's license as proof. When I saw his name, my heart stopped. 'Are you Donald "Scout" Meadows from the Second Marine Division?' I asked. He nodded, surprised. I'd grown up hearing my grandfather tell stories of his war buddy, Scott. 'Your grandpa saved my life on Saipan,' he said softly, after I told him he'd died recently. Quietly he dug into his wallet and held out a small stone arrowhead. 'He gave this to me for good luck, and I've carried it for nearly 70 years--I think you should have it.' Three dollars has never bought anything so precious." --by Megan Price, 32, Baton Rouge.
Attention. Hello readers of LIVING ABOVE THE FROST LINE. The post below is inaccurate. Glenda Barrett will not be reading at Coffee With the Poets as reported because she is not well. If you want to send her get well wishes, mail to Glenda Barrett, 497 Sunnyside Road, Hiawassee, Georgia 30546.
Featured Poet, Glenda Barrett,
"The most authentic Appalachian voice to rise out of these mountains in years."--Nancy Simpson
(post below by Glenda Beall)
Hello Poets and Writers,
Coffee With the Poets is honored and happy to have as our featured poet, Glenda Barrett, Hiawassee, GA native who is an artist in many ways. She paints. She writes. She is a great photographer.But I know Glenda as a good friend, a caring human being who always has time for others who might be in pain.
On Wednesday, November 14, 10:30 a.m. Glenda will read at Coffee with the Poets at Café Touche in Hayesville, NC. Her poetry book, When the Sap Rises, published by Finishing Line Press, is the kind of poetry that people who don't know they like poetry enjoy.
Be sure to come on Wednesday, bring a friend and bring something to read in the open Mic Reading -- poems or short fiction or memoir. CWP is a place for community to grow. Meet other writers, meet new people, readers and writers, and enjoy the goodies at Café Touche. Have a coffee and muffin or a smoothie or latte. We appreciate Café Touche for hosting us and we hope to be there for a long time. Support the café so they can continue to support us. posted by Glenda Beall.
Featured Poet, Glenda Barrett,
"The most authentic Appalachian voice to rise out of these mountains in years."--Nancy Simpson
(post below by Glenda Beall)
Hello Poets and Writers,
Coffee With the Poets is honored and happy to have as our featured poet, Glenda Barrett, Hiawassee, GA native who is an artist in many ways. She paints. She writes. She is a great photographer.But I know Glenda as a good friend, a caring human being who always has time for others who might be in pain.
On Wednesday, November 14, 10:30 a.m. Glenda will read at Coffee with the Poets at Café Touche in Hayesville, NC. Her poetry book, When the Sap Rises, published by Finishing Line Press, is the kind of poetry that people who don't know they like poetry enjoy.
Sunday, November 11, 2012
Hello Poets. New Call for Poems. Send Now.
Five Points. The James Dickey Prize. $1000.00 is given for a group of poems. Send three poems with no more than 50 lines each. $20.00 entry fee. Deadline is Dec. 1, 2012. Five Points, James Dickey Prize, Georgia State University, PO Box 3099, Atlanta, Georgia 30302. Megan Sexton Co Editor. fivepoint@edu.
Hunger Mountain. Ruth Stone Prize will be given for a poem. Dorianne Laux will judge. Send up to three poems with $20.00 entry fee by Dec. 10, 2012. Hunger Mountain, Ruth Stone Prize,Vermont College of Fine Arts, 36 College Street, Montpeiler, VT 05602. Michael Bay Gault Editor.
Bryant Literary Review seeks quality poetry submissions for Spring 2013 issue. Any style or subject matter. See samples at Deadline Dec.1, 2012. Send your submission with a brief bio and cover letter to Bryant literary Review, Faculty Suite F, Bryant University, 1150 Douglas Pike, Smithfield, RI 02917.
Sunday, November 4, 2012
November 3-4, 2012 What a Beautiful Autumn it has Been Here in the Southern Appalachian Mountains
No frost as yet, here above the frost line. Flowers are still blooming. No sign of the hard freeze, which we know is destined to come our way.

Friday, November 2, 2012
NC Writers Network West Back in the Day
A living memory from out of the past. This photo taken at NC Writers Network Fall Conference many years ago in Asheville, NC. Photo shows four of NC Writers Network West's former Program Coondinators. Glenda Beall former coordinator, Janice Townley Moore Clay County Representative and Monthly Poetry Critique Group Leader serving for 17 years, Nancy Simpson Co Founder and former coordinator, Shirley Uphouse former coordinator, and Kathryn Stripling Byer who is teaching the master poetry class at this year's fall conference, who also served as a former Netwest program coordinator.
Thursday, November 1, 2012
Sunday, November 4, 3:00 pm
Malaprop’s Bookshop, 55 Haywood St., Asheville
Poetrio: Reading from …and love…. (Jacar Press), featuring David Brendan Hopes, Holly Iglesias, Kathryn Stripling Byer, and editor Richard Krawiec. Poetrio readings are followed by booksignings, and are free and open to the public.
Malaprop’s Bookshop, 55 Haywood St., Asheville
Poetrio: Reading from …and love…. (Jacar Press), featuring David Brendan Hopes, Holly Iglesias, Kathryn Stripling Byer, and editor Richard Krawiec. Poetrio readings are followed by booksignings, and are free and open to the public.
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