Did you say it is a full sun perennial garden growing in the middle of a decidous forest in southern Appalachia?
And you said you can't keep her in, that she is out there now making a list of yellow flowers that bloomed from spring to the end of June--some still blooming.
So, she has a lot of time to spare these days?
No one said that.
Forsythia and Daffodils bloomed in March.
Shasta Daisy bloomed here in April. They were topped and will bloom again before the frost.
A single magical Iris also bloomed in April.
Sundrops and the Asiaitic Lily bloomed Mid May.
Gloriosa Daisy in full bloom mid June and still blooming.
Garzinnia in full bloom mid June and still blooming.
False Sunflowers in full bloom in mid June and still blooming.
Nancy, not only do you have TWO green thumbs, looks like you have also charmed the garden fairies and flower spirits into working their magic. Beautiful yellow sunshine everywhere. Your daddy would be amazed and proud.
The flowers are lovely. I'm so glad you live on a mountain top-surrounded by beatutiful flowers.
Lovely garden--lovely photos; thank you for the tour. It's almost as if I was there.
I love the photos of these flowers. You have such beautiful flowers up there on Cherry Mountain. Thank you for sharing such an uplifting posting today. Have a wonderful Fourth of July!
How sweet collection of those yellow flowers!! All are my favorite!!
Nancy, your garden and flowers are absolutely gorgeous. You really have a green thumb.
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